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Here at Broad Oak we see the immense importance of PE to maintain our physical and mental wellbeing. We want to deliver a unique, inclusive approach to physical wellbeing, creating habits and developing essential behaviours such as teamwork, collaboration, stamina and sportsmanship as well as emotionally healthy qualities such as resilience and empathy in all our children.


We aim for our Physical Education to be of the highest quality in order to fulfil our vision above. We have been continually improving our provision, this is recognised by our accreditation in the awards below:

Bronze School Games Award in 2017,

Silver School Games Award in 2018,

Gold School Games Award in 2019,

Gold School Games Award in 2020,

Gold School Games Award in 2021,

Gold School Games Award in 2024,


Gold logo for letters .png


These awards recognise a school's dedication to sport as well as our regular participation in local and regional competitions. We aim to continue to maintain these standards each and every year.


At Broad Oak, all our children will access 1-2 hours of PE per week as well as having lots of other opportunties for exercise throughout the school day. 

We work in close partnership with our sports provider, PEco Schools to deliver specialist curricular and extra curricular sports two days each week, ensuring children have access to high quality coaching and teachers are able to access specialist professional development.

Learning Ambassadors Subject Leaders Link Governor
Louie Mrs Senior Mark Orrell
Francesca Miss Ball  



Look at our learning...   1PE.png 2PE.png
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What Pupils say about PE

"I really like PE, especially football"
"I like PE lessons because I can run fast. We move like crocodiles and monkeys around the hall. We learn how to run round and I like to do skipping."

Subject Overview

PE overview 2.jpg

progression map image.JPG    programme of study image.JPGkey voabulary(1).jpg


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