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Mental Health and Well Being

Here at Broad Oak, we are passionate about teaching our children how to manage their emotional well being.

School Aims

  • To promote our F.A.M.I.L.Y values (Friendship, Aspiration, Mutual Respect, Independence, Learning Together, You Can Do It Attitude)
  • To encourage children to identify positive attributes about themselves
  • To encourage children to identify when they are feeling challenged
  • To provide children with strategies to help them if and when they feel challenged
  • To support each and every child reach their full potential
  • To encourage children to be brave in their choices with the knowledge they have a full support system behind them

Wellbeing Award for Schools

We were delighted to be awarded Wellbeing Award Status in July 2019. It is extremely important to us that all stakeholders are able to establish and maintain positive emotional wellbeing.

Statement of Intent

The award gave us the opportunity to bring emotional wellbeing and mental health to the forefront of our teaching. It runs through our family ethos as well through everything we do on a daily basis, from Bagels for Breakfast to Play Therapy and intervention for those who need it. Through the award, we have been able to set some long term goals: 

  • To show our commitment to the development and promotion of a positive mental health and wellbeing.
  • To improve the mental health and wellbeing of all our stakeholders
  • To identify children who may need support with achieving a positive mental health and wellbeing
  • To offer support, intervention and services to those identified as needing help with their mental health and wellbeing
  • To teach our children strategies to identify how they are feeling and self-help strategies to improve their mental health and wellbeing
  • To gain the views of all our stakeholders on how we tackle the issue of mental health and wellbeing

Therapeutic Schools Award

We believe every adult working with children should be trauma informed and attachment aware and should understand essential neuroscience so that they can truly guide and support the children around them.  We all have the potential to help raise children’s self-awareness, emotional intelligence and self-belief and we can all contribute to supporting their mental health and wellbeing.

We are currently working towards achieving the Therapeutic Schools Award through embedding trauma-informed and attachment aware culture, ethos, provision and practice throughout our school, by creating calm, welcoming, trauma informed and attachment aware classrooms that are inclusive and put children’s emotional and mental health needs at the core of the design.

Have a look below at some of our calm, welcoming spaces.

How Can You Help?

Simple things that you can do at home to promote a positive emotional well being include;

  • Talking about the school day
  • Asking children to name their top 3 things of the day
  • Encourage children to talk about anything that is bothering them 
  • Model how to compliment e.g. You did a great job tidying your room today
  • Encourage children to compliment themselves. 

If you want anymore information, please come into school and speak to either your child's class teacher or the Pastoral Team. 

Levels of Support Offered

Universal Support - All our children are nurtured and offered support as per our school ethos. We have an open door policy so parents and carers can speak to staff as they need to, we offer school nurse drop ins and our Pastoral team support our families.

Targeted Support - For those who may have experienced a specific life situation that is affecting their emotional well being e.g. a bereavement. We have support sysytems such as family support workers, school nurse, educational psychologist, one to one interventions and small group interventions.

Higher Level Support - For children who are experiencing longer term difficulties with their emotional wellbeing. School, professionals and families will meet to discuss the type of agencies that need to be contacted and an action plan will be created to support the development and wellbeing of the child.

Some helpful website links are below


SATs Support for you and your child

Please take some time to read through this website link.  There are lots of helpful suggestions for ways to support your child when they are taking their SATs.


Year 6 On-line Counselling Provision

Below is a link to an online counselling provision that is aimed at Year 6 children. It is a confidential service with online counsellors and is available to access on mobile, tablet and desktop and is free at the point of use.