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Week of 1.6.15

We have had a fantastic first week back after the holiday! There has been lots of learning...

In Maths we have been learning all about fractions of shapes and numbers. This is tricky stuff but 2H have been working hard and using resources to help them understand. We have learnt that to split something in half, we must split equally into 2 groups and to split something into quarters, we have to split into 4 groups. We answered questions like this: What is 1/4 of 12? See the photo for how we worked this out!

In English we have been learning all about poetry.We have enjoyed reading 'The Sound Collector' by Roger McGough, which is a poem about a stranger that steals all the sounds. We then wrote our own Sound Collector poem, based on all the sounds that we hear around our school. 

Here are some of the lines from our poem:

The slurping of the milk - Holly

The slapping of the skipping rope - Sophie

The drilling of the pencil sharpener - Jamie Lee

The chattering of the children - Olivia A

The slicing of the scissors - George

The rattling of the railings - Dwayne

The scraping of the knife - Connor R

The chewing of the food - Harry

The tweeting of the birds - Melissa


We have also started our new topic of 'Britain' and we are looking forward to learning lots of interesting facts all about our country.