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Home Learning Tasks WC 28.9.20

Hello Y6! Here are this week’s home learning tasks:

Monday 28th September


LO: To explore fronted adverbials.

In this lesson, we will be learning about fronted adverbials of time, place and manner. We will also practice writing some sentences with fronted adverbials. In this unit, we will be discussing issues of racism and discrimination in Britain.



LO: To identify properties of numbers.

In this lesson we will learn to identify prime and composite numbers.

Task: Complete the end of lesson quiz.


History: World War II: Evacuation

LC: I can write a letter in role as an evacuee from World War II.

In this lesson you will learn about when, where and why children were evacuated in World War II.

Open and follow the PPT.

Task 1: Complete the suitcase activity Sheet. Can you describe the items an evacuee might have in their suitcase and suggest reasons why?

Task 2: Complete the evacuee letter activity sheet to write a letter home in role as a World War II evacuee child.


Tuesday 29th September


LO: To develop a rich understanding of words associated with feeling hopeful.

In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences.



LO: To multiply a decimal number by a whole number.

In this lesson, we will explore a number of strategies for multiplying a decimal number by a whole number.

Task: Complete maths lesson 2 worksheet.



LC: How do fossils provide evidence for evolution?

In this lesson, we are going to learn how fossils are formed and how they provide evidence for the theory of evolution. We will learn what the fossil record is and why there are parts missing from the record. In this lesson, you will need a piece of paper and a pencil.


Wednesday 30th September


LO: To write the opening of a diary entry.

In this lesson, we will learn how to structure sentences using colons to introduce a list. We will also recap the features and PALLP of diary entries. We will then use vocab generated in previous lessons to write the opening paragraph of our diary entry.



LO: To solve multiplication problems using known and derived facts.

In this lesson, we will solve multiplication problems in the context of currency.

Task: Complete maths lesson 3 worksheet.


History: Rationing

LC: I can describe how people’s diets were different during World War II and answer questions about the implementation of rationing.

In this lesson you will learn about rationing during World War II and how people adapted to deal with reduced product availability.

Task 1: My Weekly Wartime Meal Plan. Using the information, you have learnt so far, produce a weekly wartime meal plan using the ‘my weekly wartime meal plan’ activity sheet. Open and follow the PPT.

Task 2: Rationing Questions. Complete the rationing comprehension activity sheet.


Thursday 1st October


LO: To plan the main body of my diary entry.

In this lesson, we will use fronted adverbials and time and place to structure the main body paragraph of our diary entry.



LO: To use efficient strategies to multiply numbers, including decimals.

In this lesson we will evaluate what strategies are most efficient for various multiplication problems.

Task: Complete maths lesson 4 worksheet.



LC:  What are the different animal kingdoms?

In today's lesson we are going to learn how living organisms are classified. We will learn about the 5 kingdoms and then we will focus on the animal kingdom. For this lesson you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and a ruler.


Friday 2nd October


LO: To write the main body of a diary entry.

In this lesson, we will use our planning and vocabulary generation from previous lessons to write the main body paragraph of our diary entry.



LO: To practise multiplication and division skills.

In this lesson, we will revise multiplication and division skills and apply them to problems.

Task: Complete maths lesson 5 worksheet.