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Little Oaks Home Learning 27/04/20

Little Oaks Home Learning 27/04/20


Hello Everyone!
As always we hope you are all well and are keeping safe! The weather has been glorious and I hope that you have spent some time in the garden or enjoyed a walk in the sunshine!
I really enjoy counting  the rainbows I see in all the windows! How many rainbows can you count if you go out for a walk?

The story this week is The Gingerbread Man

  • Can you create your own gingerbread man, either using coloured pencils or paints? How many eyes does your gingerbread man need? What else does he need on his face? Can you count his buttons?
  • Can you use water to paint the floor, shed or walls outside , can you paint the wibbly wobbly river?
  • Play 'what's in the bag' - the children are familiar with this song( in the tune of  'the farmers in his den') what's in the bag,

            what's in the bag x2


            What's in the bag

 place small animal figures or pictures of animals (pig, cow, horse etc) into the bag. Take turns to pick out animals, can your child identify what animal it is and what sound it makes?

  • Can you make a Gingerbread Man using an old cardboard toilet roll tube, add a paper face, arms and legs..... ' Run, run as fast as you can , you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!

    Little Oaks Staff